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3 варианта логотипа на американский бренд “Musiclongplay” - виниловые аксессуары. По 2 варианта на дизайны упаковок INNER SLEEVES и  OUTER SLEEVES - 12.75 x 12.75 inch. -FACE-Что должно быть отображено на “книжке” в обязательном порядке:

  • наименование и лого бренда,
  • количество в 50 ед. внутри (продублировать на 100 ед.),
-BACK-INNERThe Vinyl Inner Sleeves by Musiclongplay are the perfect solution for ensuring the safety and preservation of your vinyl collection. Made from high-quality antistatic material, these sleeves provide protection against dust, scratches, and contaminants that can affect the sound quality of your records.Musiclongplay's inner sleeves are perfectly sized to fit most vinyl record formats. They easily fit inside the vinyl jacket, preventing them from colliding with each other and minimizing the risk of scratches and abrasions.OUTTERThe Vinyl Outer Sleeves by Musiclongplay are a stylish and durable solution for protecting your vinyl records from external elements and maintaining their impeccable appearance. Crafted from high-quality transparent polypropylene, these sleeves prevent dust, dirt, and scratches from reaching the album covers and labels.Musiclongplay's outer sleeves have excellent dimensions that fit standard vinyl record covers. They provide reliable protection while allowing you to easily view and identify your records due to their transparency.Остальное на Ваше усмотрение. Please send the design in Ai or PDF format!
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